Two players take the roles of Avatars, assemble their own decks, and then cast a variety of elemental spells, summon powerful minions, and shape the world around them from their Atlas to increase their dominance and ultimately banish their foe.

Sorcery is a realm contested by Avatars with one goal: to be the last Avatar standing. In order to win, a player must first put their opponent’s Avatar at Death’s Door by reducing its life total to 0. After that, the player must then deliver the final Death Blow to the dying Avatar, which rewards them with the win. A player also wins if their opponent attempts to draw a card from an empty deck—either the Atlas or Spellbook— or if their opponent surrenders.

Each 15-card booster pack contains* 11 ordinary cards, 3 exceptional cards, and 1 elite card, with a chance that cards could be replaced with a unique rarity card, foil card of any rarity, or even a mysterious hidden curio.